Bukchon Hanok Village

Bukchon Hanok Village was one of my favorite stops. I had seen beautiful traditional houses called Hanoks in Kdramas, but they were even more lovely in person. All that incredible wood and stone.

Hanoks were originally the residential quarters of high-ranking government officials and nobility during the Joseon period (1392-1897!).

There were guards there, and it took us a few minutes to realize they were trying to control the noise. Residents get really annoyed at loud voices and I don’t blame them. We were pretty careful to keep the sound down.

Some of the Hanoks are used for galleries or cafes.

We were too early for cherry blossoms, so I don’t know what kind of blossoms these are.

I do like the patterns they use.

The houses are pretty close to the street, huh.

I found this place fascinating.

Because it was a weekday, it wasn’t too terribly crowded.

One Hanok had a mural of sorts. I love the curved roofline. The red thing is probably a sign saying “silence.”

A closer look.

This place actually had a sidewalk. Otherwise we had to walk in the street. We did not see a single car, however. Maybe they’re banned?

I like the contrast between old and new here. The tall tower in the distance is Namsan Tower, which we visited later.

Great weekend, everyone!


About pearlsandprose

Photography. With a little life thrown in.
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